Tag: classroom management

3 Habits of Highly Effective Teachers

As teachers, we are always striving to find more effective ways to plan our lessons, complete our marking and spend less time behind our desks. There are so many guides out there that present all the different things you can do to become an ace teacher, but really it boils down to 3 main things

teacher and students

  1. Put the students at the centre of their practice

Every teacher is taught that they should plan from specifications and then create objectives, what is it that you want the student to learn?

2 Ways Teachers Can Connect More with their Colleagues

Let’s face it, teachers are creatures of habit. They like the way they do things because they are their way.

teachers and students

They like to work within departments because it is their department. Most schools will find that English, Science, Maths etc. will stay within their departments for meetings, breaks, lunchtimes because then they can discuss classroom antics with their colleagues that understand what they are talking about.

Drama and Music Departments

You normally find the smaller departments such as Drama and Music and the teaching assistants in the staff room as otherwise they would be alone. But this doesn’t really help to foster a collaborative feeling in a school or communicate to the students or visitors that the school works as one.

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